If you want to take care of your health and wellbeing in an integral, complete and reliable way, you find in our Barcelona center qualified therapists & coaches with international training and years of experience to cover your needs.
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You can speak in English, Spanish, French, German, Catalan
In CITICS.es - Centro Internacional Terapias Integrativas y Coaching Systémico - your personal needs will find the right therapists and coaches with the highest professional level. And you can express yourself in the language that suits you best.
The treatments & services of this center follow the recommendations of the WHO, providing and generating a noticeable benefit to your integral health. You can rely on our qualified personnel and receive the highest quality in different complementary therapies & systemic coaching methods which are safe and efficient.
How does the WHO define health? - “Health is a state of complete wellbeing on a physical, mental and social level and not only the absence of ailments or disease.”
In CITICS.es your health concerns as a person are fully taken into account, including your psycho-social environment, in order to optimize your state of complete wellbeing. Your health is taken care of on a physical, mental, emotional and energetic level which helps you to be present in a global environment that tends to life-styles with growing stress levels.
Available Treatments
Systemic Constellations for persons and business
BEMER physical vascular therapy
Biomagnetic Therapy
Massage Therapy